I've found it a little hard to think about or actually write blog posts this week because so many things seem trivial compared to what is going on in the lives of those close to me right now. So, in a moment of clarity, I decided that I should write about what is going on in life with those close to me. Duh.
First up, my sister-in-law Sara found out just last week that she has a brain tumor. Scary stuff. She's not even 30 and is a mother to my 3yr old nephew, Ryder. The tumor was discovered when she had some terrible chest pains and drove herself to the hospital. They did some tests and couldn't find anything but decided to do an MRI (I think??) because she has been having bad headaches and problems with her vision. That's when they discovered the tumor towards the front part of her brain.
Needless to say, my husbands our family has been a little shaken up this past week. Prayers have been constant as we all pray that the tumor will be safely removed and life will return to "normal". At this point in time, we don't know if it's cancerous or even much more than that it's a tumor and it needs to be removed. Sara and her mom will be going to meet with the doctors again tomorrow to discuss the surgery that is planned for Monday.
My husband has been a little researcher every night after work as he looks for information on brain tumors. With all his searching it seems that Sara's symptons are pointing to a more positive prognosis than a negative one which helps to make us all feel a little better. He has been so great at being optimistic which is so important during a time like this. We all hope that he is right when it's all said and done.
I can't even believe how strong Sara has been this past week. I know I would be an emotional disaster if I was in her shoes but she doesn't let it get her down. She laughs and jokes with everyone like she always has. Instead of worrying about herself she is busy worrying about everyone else and making sure that she doesn't inconvenience anyone. I seriously admire her strength and continue to pray that she keeps that strength.
Hoping to post some good news soon on this!
Next up is my Grandma Pyle. The Grandma that says, "It Freezes Beautifully" to just about everything and has always been someone I completely look up to. She is who I hope to be when I "grow up"(along with my mom) and who has always been a great moral compass for me. I can't count the times I've asked myself, "What would Grandma think/do?" She has never met a stranger and most people in town refer to her as Grandma Pyle even if they're not related.
Grandma has always been not only young at heart but way younger physically than most people her age. She is now in her early 80's but up until recently has acted as if she was 50 or younger. Honestly, most people have to keep a slight jog to keep pace with her as she heads down to chase the geese out of her garden.
Well, since about Thanksgiving time or so she hasn't been feeling very great. She had a couple vertebrae in her back that were cracked causing her lots of back pain. The doctors fixed the vertebrae though and she is still having terrible back pain as well as stomach pains that so far the doctors can't seem to figure out. It's scary and sad to see someone who is usually so full of energy sit around all day and hardly move because of the pain. She has been in so much pain she hasn't been going to daily Mass as she has her whole life and has even missed a lot of Sunday Masses these last couple months. This is how we know it's pretty bad. Grandma doesn't miss Mass. Ever.
We're all hoping and praying that the doctors figure it out ASAP because we need Grandma to be back to her normal self. I know she wants to feel better soon too. Especially, with gardening season right around the corner. Hopefully she will get in to see a specialist soon and get the problem, whatever it is, fixed.
If you have any prayers you want to send my family's way I know they would very much appreciate them!

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