Guess I'll give all of you a short list of what's happened in my life in the last several months.
- I lost my job due to a layoff and was unemployed over the holidays. Not fun.
- I found a new job through Linked In and have currently been here for about 3 1/2 months.
- I love my new job and my boss and the people I work with and the whole shebang. It's fantastic.
- My dog was chasing was chasing something and somehow managed to dislocate his front elbow (Is that what it's called on a dog??). He recovered just fine.
- My dog felt the need to chase a car and got hit (at 9:30pm), we took him to the Animal Hospital at K-State (at 2am) after visiting another clinic and they kept him overnight. He has since recovered.
- I got my garden planted.
- I have tried and successfully added a few new homemade recipes (that Seth also enjoys) to the rotation.
- Seth built me some awesome shelves in my craft closet that are yet to be filled because I'm pathetic.
- I made some new friends at my new job that are pretty great.
- I have finally been working out again and trying to eat healthy which is way easier said than done.
- I joined Weight Watchers to help my drop a few extra winter lbs and to make myself focus on making better food decisions. Let's say overall it's gone well but this week I sort of fell off the wagon and it backed up and ran over me again.
- I have seen a million different movies over the past months and would be happy to give you a review if you are interested.
- I got my hair done with ombre highlights which was the first time I have ever had color added so that was fun and I love it.
I suppose all that stuff catches you up to date on what's happened in my world in the last few months. Boring, right? Maybe I will just write a few boring posts to try and get back into the swing of things. Or maybe I will suck again and not write for months. Feel free to send me suggestions, or leave comments, about what you think I should write about so maybe you will want to read it :)

Nooo...please don't suck again for months. Blog post ideas: Show me your new shelves. Then organize them and show me them again. Share your recipes! Share stuff you've learned since weight watchers. Tell us as much as you can bout your new job and how much you love it, it's not boring! Garden planting tips. Show us your hair. Come back, please!