Thursday, March 26, 2015

Currently || Sometimes || Never


…I'm trying to convince my husband to take the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University class with me. 

…My to-do lists are miles long.

…I'm super excited to go to my first blog conference in April, Go Blog Social. My friend Kala is going too!

…I want it to warm up for good and officially end winter. 

…I feel like I'm keeping lots of secrets.

…The start of garage sale season is coming soon and I can't wait. 


…I wonder if I'm the only person on the road that knows how to drive.

…I take 2 hour long naps right before I go to bed.

…Cold weather makes me a really mean and awful person.

…I eat popcorn for dinner.

...I get concerned with the amount of tv I watch and social media I consume.



…do I ever want to become a vegetarian.

...will I ever turn down cotton candy.

...will I not scream if I see a mouse.

...have I had the desire to run a marathon.

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(P.S. Keep checking back and maybe I'll tell you some of my secrets.)

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Spring in Kansas

I feel like Spring has officially sprung here in good old Kansas. The temps are no longer in the frigid range and my flowers have begun to pop up and bloom.

I like to think that I have jumped head first into Spring cleaning of my house but let's be completely honest I haven't. A few things have managed to get removed from my closet and some wallpaper has been destroyed but other than that I have nothing but a list of to-dos to show for my efforts.

The most likely culprit of my lack of cleaning has been my garden. I managed to convince my dear husband to do the heavy lifting for me and till up the garden after I raked out as many dead weeds as possible.

Probably because I picked up all this fertilizer for "his" yard...
Surprisingly it didn't take too much to convince him to build me a couple raised beds for my strawberries either. I managed to get those painted and then we got them settled in the ground. We threw some regular soil into the bottom part of the beds and then I bought a couple bags of good top soil from Home Depot. Last night I finally got my strawberries transplanted just in time for the rain showers today.

Still have lots to plant.
Let's take a moment now to appreciate some of Spring's beauty…

The new table and chairs I snagged at IKEA for my back deck…

Dinner on the grill...

Browsing the local greenhouses…

And the start of baseball season… Go Royals!

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