To celebrate I had a few little surprised planned, but nothing too major cause he's not the kinda guy who likes a lot of attention. Since he was out of town Monday and Tuesday night I was able to make him a "broquet" and then have my brother deliver it to his office on Friday.
I think it turned out pretty cute and I plan to post instructions on how to do it soon!
Friday my office closed an hour early and made it home in time to decorate, bake a fresh pan of brownies as well as "make a cake" since he doesn't like traditional cake. Pretty sure he would pick this cake any day.
Since our lovely Kansas City Royals are doing amazing I bought him a Hunt for Blue October shirt. I may or may not have bought myself one as well. Oops.
Anyway, when he made it home from work we loaded up into the car and drove back to the city to watch the Sporting KC game which was his first Professional Soccer Game. Despite not being overly excited about watching soccer I think he actually enjoyed it. Pretty sure the Coors Lights may have contributed a little bit...
Conveniently enough, Hollywood Casino is located right next to Sporting KC, so after the game we went straight over to watch our beloved Royals make it the post season for the first time in 29 years! I wasn't even alive last time they made it to the postseason.
To celebrate the Royals win Seth spent the next 4 hours in the poker room where the other players bought him beers and eventually took his money. YOLO. I managed to lose $15 in about 20 minutes and decided I had enough so I walked around the casino and then managed to find a café that was still open and selling salads. Sometimes my lame-ness amazes me.
By 2 o'clock I managed to get Seth to leave the casino to head on home to our bed and a lovely little thing called sleep. After such a late night, and because we aren't in college anymore, we literally didn't leave the couch all day Saturday. It was kinda awesome and kinda pathetic all rolled into one. We did manage to catch up on the episodes of Dateline and 48 Hours that we missed that night before so I would say the day wasn't a complete waste.
Sunday we had church and then went to get Seth a couple new pairs of jeans and a coat he wanted for his birthday. Surprisingly we made it home in time to get a few things done around the house and then get ready to start the week all over again.
Happy Monday Everyone!!
Friday my office closed an hour early and made it home in time to decorate, bake a fresh pan of brownies as well as "make a cake" since he doesn't like traditional cake. Pretty sure he would pick this cake any day.
Since our lovely Kansas City Royals are doing amazing I bought him a Hunt for Blue October shirt. I may or may not have bought myself one as well. Oops.
Anyway, when he made it home from work we loaded up into the car and drove back to the city to watch the Sporting KC game which was his first Professional Soccer Game. Despite not being overly excited about watching soccer I think he actually enjoyed it. Pretty sure the Coors Lights may have contributed a little bit...
Conveniently enough, Hollywood Casino is located right next to Sporting KC, so after the game we went straight over to watch our beloved Royals make it the post season for the first time in 29 years! I wasn't even alive last time they made it to the postseason.
To celebrate the Royals win Seth spent the next 4 hours in the poker room where the other players bought him beers and eventually took his money. YOLO. I managed to lose $15 in about 20 minutes and decided I had enough so I walked around the casino and then managed to find a café that was still open and selling salads. Sometimes my lame-ness amazes me.
By 2 o'clock I managed to get Seth to leave the casino to head on home to our bed and a lovely little thing called sleep. After such a late night, and because we aren't in college anymore, we literally didn't leave the couch all day Saturday. It was kinda awesome and kinda pathetic all rolled into one. We did manage to catch up on the episodes of Dateline and 48 Hours that we missed that night before so I would say the day wasn't a complete waste.
Sunday we had church and then went to get Seth a couple new pairs of jeans and a coat he wanted for his birthday. Surprisingly we made it home in time to get a few things done around the house and then get ready to start the week all over again.
Happy Monday Everyone!!