That means it's time for another Top 10 Tuesday list:)
I feel like I have been so busy these past few days that I haven't even thought about writing. I even debated just skipping a blog post for today but I skipped yesterday because I was beyond busy.
So, I have decide to just make a short and sweet "To-Do" list for todays Top 10. Basically, these are things on my to-do list for the week.
1. Pay the water bill
2. Clip and organize my coupons
3. Go grocery shopping - need chicken, triscuits and other stuff I can't think of at the moment...
4. Put together an Easter basket for my God-daughter Zoey:) This is her first Easter and I'm super excited. Her mommy, Maria, is my cousin and one of my very best friends.
5. Vacuum the upstairs at my house - pretty sure I lose enough hair in a day to make a wig.
6. Go buy all my garden seeds so I have them for when it's time to plant.
7. Drop $10 off to my priest for the Basketball bracket my husband is doing at church.
8. Go by the bank.
9. Continue reading my books for Lent.
10. Talk to Seth about when and where we should vacation:) We both need one!
Let's see how many of these things I actually get accomplished. Hopefully all of them.
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