
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Gardening: In the beginning

With Daylight Savings time starting this past weekend I have been starting to get excited for Spring!

I'm beyond sick of the cold and snowy weather we have had here in Kansas this winter. I would move someplace warm in a second if I could talk my whole family and husband into it. Unfortunately, that would require A LOT of people moving and my husband loves the snow and cold (aka: hunting season) so it doesn't look like I'll be moving anytime soon. 

Thank goodness Spring is right around the corner though. With Spring comes the planting of my garden which I'm super excited about. 

Last year was my first Spring and Summer, as a wife, in our new home, which meant a new garden. 

My mom had a garden my whole life growing up and I helped with it some but the older I got the less I helped. 

I decided it would be fun to have my own garden and decided to jump right into this little venture of planting one. Honestly, I've had plants in the past and promptly killed them because I forgot to water so I wasn't overly optimistic when starting out. 

I think my husband was also a little bit hesitant to till up "his" yard because let's just say he LOVES his yard. We had no proof that I would be able to garden and he really didn't want to till up a good hunk of his beautiful-perfectly-manicured-mower-striped lawn if my gardening skills were lacking. 
In case you are wondering just how much he loves the yard I will tell you it's the background photo on his phone, not me, not our puppy, "his" yard. ha. 

Anyway's, I finally talked him into tilling me up a small but still decent sized area to give my gardening skills a chance. The photos were taken on April 8th of last year (2012). 

This is my garden after my father-in-law disced up the yard.

Doesn't look very promising, huh? Check out that green lawn though!

Seth then helped me till up the disced area to make the garden a little more rectangular and have straighter edges. 

Now it was up to me to plant, water, and grow all those plants. 

How do you think I did? 

Check back to find out:)

(Hint: Let's just say Seth didn't mind that the garden took up valuable yard space)

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