
Monday, February 4, 2013

Welcome to It Freezes Beautifully!


It Freezes Beautifully! A saying that's been passed down in my family from Grandma P. Anyone that knows Grandma has probably heard her say it at least once in their life. She freezes anything and everything. Honestly, I don't think I have ever heard her say that something doesn't freeze beautifully. 

It has long been a standing joke in our family and I've heard the phrase countless times. One year we even made t-shirts with all of Grandma's phrases and "It Freezes Beautifully" was by far the most popular and made it to the top of the list. 

At this point in life, my Mom is now telling me it freezes beautifully if I even mention anything that has a chance of being frozen. I know it's only a matter of time (if it hasn't happened already) before I become my mother and essentially my grandmother. Good thing these are two women who I completely admire and can only pray I learn something from them along the way. 

So you may be wondering, "what the heck kind of blog is this anyway?" Well, I promise it won't be all about freezing things (even though it will probably have some freezing ideas) because honestly that sounds a little dull. I'm hoping that this is a place where I can write and discuss things that I enjoy or that peak my interest. 

I want to talk about family and how blessed I am to have such an amazing one. 

I want to talk about food because I love to eat and let's face it, don't we all?

I want to talk about saving money because I enjoy things like clipping coupons and finding steals on anything and everything. 

I want to talk about creativity and things that are beautiful. 

I know there are many more things I want to discuss but I think I will save those for some posts later on. 

Thanks for stopping by!

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