
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

How to Make Easy Dog Treats

Okay, I promised you a dog treat recipe so here it is. And did I mention that it is super simple dog treat recipe? Even if you aren't Betty Crocker or Martha Stewart I have complete faith that anyone can make these.

There is a grand total of 3 ingredients! I would also say there is a pretty good chance you have these ingredients on hand. Are  your ready??

Here it is:


1 cup milk
1 cup peanut butter
2 cups flour

(Now the hard part, but not really.)


Mix all ingredients together.
Roll dough out on a floured counter top (so it doesn't stick).

Cut dough into dog treat shapes, or if you're like me, little flowers and hearts because you don't have a dog bone cookie cutter. (Trust me, your dog won't care what they look like.)

Place on a cookie sheet and bake at 350 for 8 minutes or so, depending on the size of your treats.

I just baked them until they were a little more well done than a human cookie. Basically, not rock hard but not fall apart chewy. (It's an exact science obviously).

Take out of the oven and let cool before serving to your dog. He will love you forever.

I use these a lot as training treats since they are little and I don't feel bad giving Gunnar a handful of them. He doesn't mind either. Let me know if you have questions and enjoy!

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Monday, June 16, 2014

First Time at the Farmers Market

With my new job comes this lovely little perk called "summer hours". Basically, Monday through Thursday you work an extra hour each day and then you get every other Friday off. For a grand total of 5 Friday's off throughout summer. It's fantastic! 

I enjoyed my first Friday off this past Friday. I spent the day catching up on cleaning. Boring I know, but I did have family coming over on Saturday for a Fathers Day cookout so I figured I better make the main floor presentable. 

Besides wasting my whole day doing laundry and cleaning, I decided to do some baking to take to the local Farmer's Market. Since I have a fairly large garden and I'm hoping to take some extra produce to the Farmers Market later this summer I wanted to check it out before hand. 

I baked up some super simple peanut butter dog treats as well as some super delicious human treats that I like to call chocolate chip cookies. (P.S. I'm a CCC addict. The first step is admitting the problem right?!) 

Guess which is which!

I decided to give my  Grandma, who is a notorious bread maker in my home town, a call and see if she wanted to bake a few loaves I could sell for her. She contributed 8 still warm from the oven loaves of bread. My mom also added in some of her beautifully iced sugar cookies and I threw in a couple jars of my homemade apple butter. I was all set and ready for the sale. 

Since you only have to pay 5 bucks for a space I figured the worst case scenario was I lost 5 dollars and gained a few extra pounds eating the cookies. Luckily the FM had a decent crowd during the 5-7 time period and I sold 6 loaves of Grandma's bread and several packages of both kinds of cookies and dog treats plus almost all the apple butter.

The next day my parents were having a garage sale so my mom sold almost all the rest of my homemade goodies. Now don't get me wrong, I still ate my fair share of cookies but I'm okay with that:)

I spent the rest of the long weekend hanging out at home cleaning up the house and having a cookout. My mom and I did manage a mini movie marathon and watched The Fault in Our Stars and Maleficent on Sunday. I haven't read The Fault in Our Stars yet which I hate because I always prefer reading the book first but I thought the movie was excellent and I'm pretty sure there wasn't a dry eye by the end of it. Maleficent was also good but not quite what I was expecting. Overall I would recommend TFIOS if you can only pick one. 

Hope you all had a good weekend! Maybe I'll share my dog treat recipe soon. 

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