
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmas Letter 2013

I finally wrote my Christmas Letter today so I thought I would share it here as well. Obviously if you read my blog you probably know just about everything that's in the letter but I thought you might still enjoy it :)

Merry Christmas dear humans! My mom figured out how smart I was so she made me write the letter this year. I was going to refuse until she promised me homemade dog treats, so obviously my tail said yes. Apparently I’m supposed to tell you what’s going on in our world, so here it is.  
The biggest bit of news is my dad (you humans call him Seth) finally moved home in August. Him and my mom went on a second honeymoon cruise to the Caribbean and when they got back he was at home. Thank goodness because Mom and I spent the beginning of the year seeing him only every other weekend when he made the long drive home from Texas. Before he moved home though my mom got to go to down to Texas for a long weekend in April to check out the big job he was building. She tells me it’s pretty awesome and that she’s not quite sure how he figured out how to build the job, but that he must be pretty smart. (Obviously he’s not smart enough to keep his shoes put away so I don’t chew on them though.) Anyway, dad’s in the Topeka office now being a Project Manager. He still travels a couple days a month but most nights he comes home to rub my belly, so I’m glad for the change. My mom must be glad too because she keeps making dinner. She must be wanting to keep him around or something. 
My mom spent most of the year working for the printing company she worked for last year. In November she was laid off though. It kinda came as a surprise, but I must say that I don’t mind, because now she hangs out with me everyday while looking for jobs. She has also kept pretty busy as a part time photographer when she’s not taking pictures of me, instagramming her food, or blogging. In November she got the chance to go to Indianapolis to the the National Catholic Youth Conference as a chaperone, since she volunteers with the high school youth group at church. She said it was awesome and that it was incredible to see so many young people there celebrating their faith.  
Since I’m sure you are all wondering, no she’s not pregnant with humans or puppies or anything else so you can quit asking. My mom and dad know God has a plan for them and until he decides to bless them with children, I’m the one getting the attention around here (as it should be).  
In other news, my dad has pretty much completed the giant shop and has been building workbenches, a house for me, and he even installed the wood stove last weekend. Now it’s nice and cozy. My mom spent the summer gardening and making fresh salsa, canning spaghetti sauce and trying out new recipes. Most of which have been approved by dad, all have been approved by me. They celebrated 2 years of marriage in October and feel blessed to finally live under the same roof.  
Okay, enough about them. I turned 1 in April and my parents didn’t even throw a party for me. To show them I wasn’t happy about it, I ate the neighbors UPS deliveries. Luckily the neighbors seem to like me so they weren’t really mad. I got lost in October when I was hanging out with another neighbor and got locked in their shed. My mom and dad came to search for me though and managed to find me at about 11pm! Thank goodness the neighbors were nice and weren’t too mad about being woken up to rescue me. I continue to live a pretty good life out here in the country. I dig lots of holes trying to catch moles, I bark at birds and the mail lady likes to give me treats. Speaking of treats, it’s about time for me to go get those homemade treats my mom promised. So, see ya later humans. Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Healthy and Happy New Year!
                                                          Gunnar Johnson
(Seth and Julie)
This is actually last years photo because we still haven't taken one.
Story of my life. 

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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Walking Disasters - the story of us

Well, I guess it's about time I end my pity party and get back into the swing of things. Before I catch the ole' blog up on the happenings over the last month I thought I would share a short story.

I like to call this one "we are walking disasters".

Somehow over the weekend Seth managed to lose his wallet. The last place we know he had it was at the gas station on Saturday night. We filled up with fuel and left and he didn't realize he was missing it until Monday morning when he got up to go to work. Since I'm still unemployed I spent the majority of my day (after an interview) on a hunt for a long lost wallet. I scoured every corner of the house, yard, shop, Seth's truck and the side of the road from our house into town and at the gas station. I called the police station to see if it had been turned in. Nothing. Plus no charges on our credit cards so we are assuming it's really lost and not found by someone else.

Tuesday, Seth left work early to come home and look a little more before we went to the bank and DMV to get new credit cards and him a new drivers license. He was supposed to go out of town this morning (that changed) so he figured he would need those things. Somehow in one of our many stops at the gas station, post office, police station, the in-laws (for his birth certificate), the bank, and dmv, I managed to lose the keys to my car (Seth was driving which is why I didn't notice until we were home).

This is the part where you figure out why I refer to us as "walking disasters." I mean seriously, who loses their keys when searching for their wallet. Me apparently.

So, this morning I woke up and called the post office. Nope, they don't have my keys. Since they obviously took zero time to look for them I figured I better head into town to retrace our steps and see if I can find them. I stopped into the post office where I thought I saw them on a counter until realizing that some lady had just set her keys down and they weren't mine. Bummer. Next I headed to the gas station I have visited the last 3 days looking for the wallet. Frank, the owner asked me "find the wallet?" I embarrassingly had to admit no and now I've lost my keys. I'm sure he thinks we are two fries short of supersized but he said, "are they Honda keys?" This is when the skies opened up and the angels sang "hallelujah, hallelujah" and I told him yes! And that's where I found my lost keys.

It's been a good day. Now, if only we can find the dang wallet.

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